Soul Spaces

We launched our Experience and Cultural Design business in 2013 because it fell in our laps. The company I was consulting with needed a rapid make-over for their work space. I recommended my wife.

The Wolf had been designing out-of-this-world classrooms as one the most inspirational and creative educators ever to be found (and former Teacher of the Year in Marin County…yes I’m bragging about her).

The opportunity to make a terribly bland space (I’m being gentle) into an inspirational place to spend productive, collaborative and even IPO worthy time in, was a challenge we could not resist.





The budget was $12,500. The space was 5000 square feet space. Yes, you did the math right, 41 cents a square foot. The final budget was $17,500 because the CEO decided we needed to be paid more than $2,500. She’s a good one. I had a well-paying job at the time so we could afford the gamble. Boy, was it worth it.





We had a blast and decided to take the plunge. We officially launched Audacious Expression with a commitment to create reflective, soulful, meaningful places to work, connect and learn.

We're not traditional interior designers. We are lovers, activists, artists, dreamers, educators, makers, strategists and visionaries. We create because we have to. We know that bringing soul into place is just the nourishment and uplift we as a society need.

We design to create that uplift, to invite communities to rise together and individuals to drop into their best selves. We design for collaboration, for deep focus, for restoration, for inspiration, for perspiration, to create cultures of inclusion, diversity and playgrounds of innovation.

We learned, from the first project and every project going forward, that the most essential element to design, aside from functionality, is to understand the soul of place in order to inspire cultures to form and individuals to live their purpose. 

While I wish we would have had a TV crew for that first transformation, as it was miraculous and so damn quick and inexpensive, and while we can no longer afford to work on shoestring budgets, we work even more vigilantly to make sure each space reflects the unique purpose of the people inhibiting it.

We believe investing in the design of your workspace is a quality of life decision, as it’s in these spaces that we spend the majority of our waking hours.

And, we believe that just like people have souls, so do spaces. Just like people, spaces also need permission, support and encouragement to express their true nature, the state of soulfulness that makes meaning and creates connection. Our souls and these soulful spaces inspire who we are, what we do and how we do it.

AudX, women-owned and operated, where everything is made with love.