


QIGONG, the Mother of Chinese Medicine, is a five thousand-year-old Chinese energy healing system for healthy mind, body and spirit.

In Chinese Medicine, Qigong is the Golden Elixir. The movements of the QiGong series calm and balance the nervous system.

Through the practice of QiGong, using breath, low-impact movements, mind focus, meditation, self-applied massage and acupressure, you will

  • Release Stress

  • Eliminate Chronic Pain

  • Reduce Health and Emotional Imbalances

  • Increase Energy

Qi - breath or vital life force. Gong - work to cultivate the Qi, the breath and life force.

Tai Chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called MEDICATION IN MOTION.
— Harvard Medical School


  • Calms the mind and balances emotions.

  • Stimulates immediate healing by activating the lymphatic and nervous system.

  • Increases energy.

  • Eliminates depression, anxiety, stress and chronic pain naturally.

  • Easy to learn, easy to do and can be applied at anytime, anywhere - no matter what you’re wearing.

  • Empowers you to take control of your healing, physical and emotional wellness while deepening your relationship with yourself and those around you.

  • It’s fun.


  • Reduce Stress and Inflammation

  • Lower Blood Pressure

  • Boast Immune System

  • Sleep Better

  • Improve Flexibility, Balance and Muscle Strength

  • Increase Energy

  • Slows Down Aging

  • Relief from Chronic Pain, Depression and Anxiety

  • Disease Prevention

  • Improves Organ Function

  • Arthritis Relief

  • Increase Cognitive Function

  • Personal Empowerment and Inner Peace

  • Better Health

  • Better Relationships

  • Better Focus and Clarity

  • Feels Great

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  • VITALITY QIGONG is a low-impact mind body workout using movement, breath work, mind focus and self-applied massage. This four-class series calms the nervous system, releases toxic stress and stimulates Feel Good Medicine to boost your immune function and increase energy.


  • TAI CHI EASY is a fun and easy way to do Tai Chi, the Chinese Martial Art. Developed as a simple form to learn that doesn’t take years to master, this method is a movement meditation that activates the Medicine Within for self healing, restored energy and a calm, focused mind.

Qigong is all about balance: balancing the energy of mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

The mind and body, the emotions, and spirit are not separate things. They are all part of you. You can’t focus on one and ignore another without causing problems for yourself.

Qigong is the simplest and most powerful way to bring about that perfect balance. It is one of the most powerful self-healing practices ever developed.
— Master Chunyi Lin
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As an Artist and Entrepreneur , my work is to transform environments and cultures from the Inside Out.

After experiencing the benefits of Qigong, I knew we had to integrate this practice and teachings into Revel Wolf Collective, to create well-being and true transformation in every environment we designed.

My quest for health, healing and wellness led me repeatedly to doctors. As a marathon runner, I have experienced repetitive hamstring and foot injuries. Healing between events became harder. My body was taxed and the pain caused me excessive stress. I am a highly sensitive person (a deep feeler) and my nervous system has a tendency to run on overload. My insurance premiums and out of pocket costs were killer. Finally my acupuncturist told me I could heal myself and turned me onto Qigong, which transformed how I live my life.

Prior to Qigong I suffered occasional bouts of depression and chronic pain and inflammation from running too hard and sitting behind the screen too long.

Qigong led me out of the darkness of depression and into the light of productivity and creativity. Through Qigong, I am more flexible and able to move through life pain free. Whether I practice 5 minutes or 60 minutes daily, I now function at a very high capacity without the aid of antidepressants, excessive doctors visits and self help books. Through Qigong I have healed my body and created an enhanced sense of emotional well being. 

I am a certified Qigong and Tai Chi instructor through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi.

Everything I do is with a full, open and loving heart as I believe we are here to connect in joy and kindness to one another and Mother Earth. 

Qigong is part of my daily practice. It has become a Way of Life. My energy, JOY, and ability to connect to my Self and others have increased. Stress has been transformed into Personal POWER. 

I teach Qigong and have incorporated the practice into audx because THE WORK WORKS.

~Revel Wolf