I am a certified Qigong and Tai Chi instructor through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi.
As a marathon runner and highly sensitive person (deep feeler), I have experienced several hamstring and foot injuries. Plus, my nervous system has a tendency to run on overload. My quest for health, healing and wellness led me repeatedly to doctors. My insurance premiums and out of pocket fees were killer. My acupuncturist told me I could heal myself and turned me onto Qigong.
I am also an Artist, Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Revel Wolf Collective where we transform environments and cultures from the Inside Out. Everything I do and create is done with a full, open and loving heart as I believe we are here to connect in joy and kindness to one another and Mother Earth.
Not very long ago, I was in a dark space. I was deeply depressed and in grief. My body suffered from chronic pain and inflammation. Through Qigong, I was able to see the Light again. Each day I practiced, whether I did 5 minutes or 60 minutes a day, without the aid of antidepressants, without spending money on doctors or self help books, I have restored and aligned my physical and emotional well being.
Qigong is not only my practice, but a Way of Life. I have increased my energy, JOY, and ability to connect to my Self and others. Qigong transformed my stress into Personal POWER.
Revel Wolf